The AFP Consortium is an international group bringing together voices from across the print industry to keep the AFP architecture up to date and continually improving. Our members, often market competitors, work together to ensure this stable, efficient, flexible architecture continues to thrive, even as the world of printing changes.
AFP is generated by applications in the insurance, banking and mission critical industries who need to insure reliable reproduction across the print and viewing environments and complete page integrity in the production environment. For more detail about AFP and the benefits it brings, watch the next video: "Looking for the value of AFP?"
AFP is a document presentation architecture that provides multichannel output delivery. Using AFP, your output can be directed to AFP Viewers, Archives, Print Servers, or all three based on what your business needs are and how you construct your AFP Workflow. See this video for more information:
Please see our FAQ page to learn more about the AFP Consortium and to watch these videos in French, Italian, German, Spanish, Dutch, and Japanese.